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How should my private practice handle Medicare overpayment notifications?

On Behalf of | Aug 28, 2024 | Medicare Overpayment |

A Medicare overpayment notification indicates that the government believes it overpaid the practice for services provided. This situation not only impacts financial standing but also compliance with federal regulations, making it important for healthcare providers to take prompt action to counter the claim.

What immediate steps should we take after receiving an overpayment notification?

Upon receiving a notification of Medicare overpayment, review the overpayment notice. Look for details and reasons for the Medicare overpayment claim. It may also be a good idea to conduct an internal audit. This can provide an opportunity to check the accuracy of the overpayment claim by reviewing patient records and billing documentation.

These steps help you to understand the scope of the overpayment and prepare for the next course of action.

How can we dispute a Medicare overpayment claim?

If you believe the claim is incorrect, you can move forward with additional action. Disputing a Medicare overpayment involves several strategic steps to help better ensure that the practice’s rights are protected and that it does not suffer financial losses. These can include:

  • Detailed documentation review: Thoroughly review all related medical records, billing documentation, and the overpayment notice to pinpoint any discrepancies or errors in the Medicare claim.
  • Gather evidence: Compile all necessary documentation that supports the practice’s position. This can include patient records, billing information, and any correspondence related to the disputed charges.
  • File a rebuttal: Submit a written rebuttal to the Medicare contractor detailing the reasons why the overpayment determination is incorrect. Include all supporting evidence.
  • Request a redetermination: If the rebuttal does not resolve the dispute, the practice can request a redetermination by the Medicare contractor.
  • Appeal the decision: If the redetermination is unfavorable, the practice can appeal to higher levels, potentially including an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ), the Medicare Appeals Council, and even federal court.

Disputing a Medicare overpayment claim is a complex process that demands attention to detail and a proactive approach. It is important to move forward wisely, as these claims can translate to the government attempting to recoup large sums. Legal counsel experienced in this niche area of healthcare law can provide invaluable assistance, better ensuring that the practice’s rights are defended throughout the process.

Attorney John Rivas is responsible for this communication.


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