Hospitals and private practices throughout the country will soon be able to apply for additional federal funding to help offset the costs or negative revenue impact that resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic. Healthcare providers who qualify can fill out an application...
New York Health Care Lawyers Who Have Decades Of Combined Experience

Month: September 2021
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Healthcare fraud in the NFL? It’s not just for doctors.
Allegations of healthcare fraud are serious. If supported, the government can get substantial financial penalties and additional fines and even, depending on the details of the allegations, push for a prison sentence for those involved in the crime. You may think...
Nursing licensure compact: Update on status in NY and NJ
The Nursing Licensure Compact (NLC) is an agreement between multiple states that allows for nurses to have a license in one state and practice nursing in others. It is not a national agreement; each individual state has to agree to be a part of it. This generally...