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27 nurses reprimanded by NY Nursing Board in June

On Behalf of | Aug 12, 2020 | Health Care Investigations |

New York State’s Office of the Professions, which oversees nurses who practice within the state, recently reprimanded 27 nurses. These reprimands were for the month of June alone and ranged in severity from probation and fines to the surrender of the licensee’s nursing license. Offenses that led to official reprimands during this period included:

  • Grand larceny. A licensed practical nurse from West Henrietta admitted to a recent conviction for grand larceny. As a result, the organization reprimanded the nurse with an indefinite actual suspension of their nursing license for at least six months as well as two years’ probation upon return to the profession.
  • Medication administration errors. The organization also reprimanded a licensed practical nurse out of Rochester with one month of actual suspension, 23 months of stayed suspension, two years’ probation and a $500 fine as a result of medication administration errors.
  • Documentation errors and inaccurate assessment of patient’s condition. The organization agreed to a penalty of 2 years’ stayed suspension, 2 years’ probation and $500 fine for this offense.
  • Medication errors and changing orders. A registered professional nurse admitted to medication errors and changing orders, which resulted in the surrender of the nurse’s license.

The organization considers the details of the offense when determining an appropriate reprimand. For example, the organization received notification of multiple medication error offenses. Each licensee accused of this offense received a reprimand that reflected the situation. These reprimands ranged from a relatively minor suspension and fine to the more severe surrender of the nurse’s license.

Navigating accusations of wrongdoing in front of this organization is an intimidating process – but those who are in this situation do not have to go through it alone. The law allows nurses to have legal representation during the process. An attorney experienced in the niche area of nurse licensing defense can review the allegations and help better ensure your interests are protected throughout the process.


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